One might ask, “Do Satan, demons, and fallen angels have real existence? Or, are they only figments of human imagination?” Many who profess faith in God question the existence of a personal devil and casually relegate evil spirits and demons to the realm of folklore and superstition. This unbelief is most advantageous to Satan in his present undertaking.
For a solid, reliable answer to the above question we must turn to the Scriptures. Mr. Roy Gingrich, the author of this timely book, has done just that, in an expanded outline form, carefully researched, he has traced what the Bible says about Satan from his perfect creation to his assigned condemnation in the Lake of Fire. The author logically present the Devil’s person and work in the past, present, and future, both before and after his fail.
A great asset possessed by the author is his premillennial concept of world government, the coming reign of the Antichrist, the ultimate banishment of Satan and the universal triumph of Christ and his kingdom. This study would be seriously impaired without this Biblical perspective.
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