The Gospel of Matthew


The book of Matthew is to the New Testament what the book of Genesis is to the Old Testament, the key that unlocks the door. One can have a thorough knowledge of the New Testament only if he masters this vital, yet difficult book. Mr. Roy Gingrich has given us in this expanded outline a satisfying, conservative, premillennial interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Like other books from the pen of Mr. Gingrich, this one begins with a full, general introduction to the book, treating such topics as authorship, readers, occasion, purpose, theme, and values. What follows is a commentary in outline form. It is not a verse by verse critical exegesis or detailed exposition. Mr. Gingrich writes for the busy layman, the rushed preacher, the independent Bible student who wants to get quickly to the heart of a passage without wading through pages of discussion. This book is to be studied as well as read, and studied with an open Bible.

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