The Books of Hosea and Joel


The unfortunate title “The Minor Prophets” has caused many Bible readers to neglect the study of the twelve books grouped under this heading. Therefore, the glory and riches of these books are unknown to the average reader. He has failed to benefit from the major messages of these “Minor Prophets.” Hosea and Joel, the two books of “the Minor Prophets” considered in this commentary, are great and helpful books when they are studied in depth. Hosea preached during a time of great material prosperity under Jeroboam II, but his age was also characterized by political deception, false religion, moral decay, and spiritual decline. What a parallel to the conditions prevalent today! Joel also preached messages which have great relevance to today’s situation.

This commentary by Brother Gingrich is richly flavored by his personal comments. His exegesis of the text is excellent. A perusal of this outline commentary will make their reader acutely aware of the danger of willfully transgressing the known will of God, of the awesome responsibility of religious leaders, and of the good or bad influence of political leaders over a nation.

The unfortunate title “The Minor Prophets” has caused many Bible readers to neglect the study of the twelve books grouped under this heading. Therefore, the glory and riches of these books are unknown to the average reader. He has failed to benefit from the major messages of these “Minor Prophets.” Hosea and Joel, the two books of “the Minor Prophets” considered in this commentary, are great and helpful books when they are studied in depth. Hosea preached during a time of great material prosperity under Jeroboam II, but his age was also characterized by political deception, false religion, moral decay, and spiritual decline. What a parallel to the conditions prevalent today! Joel also preached messages which have great relevance to today’s situation.

This commentary by Brother Gingrich is richly flavored by his personal comments. His exegesis of the text is excellent. A perusal of this outline commentary will make their reader acutely aware of the danger of willfully transgressing the known will of God, of the awesome responsibility of religious leaders, and of the good or bad influence of political leaders over a nation.

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